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Arrival & Dismissal


Tomorrow is our first day and it will be a very busy morning. Please leave plenty of time for parking if you are going to be coming on to campus to walk your student to their classroom.

The large gate by the South Parking lot will be open for parking on the lawn. Please watch for students.

There is NO PARKING in the drop off lanes. These lanes MUST STAY CLEAR.

Please see the map for more information.

ESP: is open tomorrow from 6am - 6pm. If you arrive before 7:30, you must go in the ESP gate. If you arrive after dismissal, you will pick up your student through the ESP GATE. Students going to ESP before or after school will have a direct hand off with their teachers.

7:30 - Breakfast for all is free and all students having breakfast go through the MAIN gate directly to the MPR.

7:45 - TK/K enter through the TK/K YARD Gate
- 1st - 6th enter through the Main Gate and go
to their play yards to walk until class begins.

2:00 - TK leaves through the TK/K YARD Gate
- Kinder leaves through the MAIN Gate

2:20 - 1st, 2nd, & 3rd
- WALK up parents go to the NORTH lot gate
NO DRIVE UP in the North lot.
- DRIVE up parents go to the front of the
school and stay in the car & a
teacher will come to your window to call
your student to the car.

2:35 - 4th, 5th, & 6th
- WALK up parents go to the MAIN gate
- DRIVE up parents stay in the car & a
teacher will come to your window to call
your student to the car

Drive up parents:
Please print on a sheet of paper in large print and place it on your dashboard.
Student Name
Grade Level
Teacher Name

This will help us call your students to your car faster.

